Mahāsa Ghar envisions a utopian living space by curating premium products that are carefully created by brands with Indian origins

Our partner brands are hand-picked to align with our core values and mission pillars as a new-age, innovative, and responsible business. Our product portfolio focuses heavily on the need to go back to the basics of our heritage and ritualistic practices through supply chains, manufacturing and related processes. We ensure that we only host ethical brands of modern India, as we collectively cater to the economy for the common good.

Our biggest agenda is to push through domestic consumerism by bringing to light the new and upcoming brands that are crafted to perfection. Through our approach, we want Indians to resort to quality domestic alternatives, thereby contributing to a stronger economy and garner loyalty towards the Make in India movement.

The Story

The inspiration behind Mahāsa Ghar stems from the importance of having a balanced personal space that enhances sensory and olfactory experiences, and helps disconnect from the fastness of a technology-stricken world. Our 3D environment acts as our experience zone and an interactive e-commerce storefront, and ties together soft visuals with physical necessities that serve as a reminder to pause, breathe, and step into a slower and mindful living.

Our adjoining brand principles reject the notion of over consumption so we can collectively pave the way for a better future for our generations to come. In this house, quite literally, we support slow and artisanal manufacturing with fair pay, rural employment and female empowerment.


The Philosophy

“Mahāsa” literally translates to “knowledge” in Sanskrit; Ghar is home.

The name “Mahāsa Ghar” is symbolic of our dedication towards giving homegrown brands greater representation and visibility.  At Mahāsa Ghar, you can find anything and everything you would need in your home; thus justifying our wordplay on ‘mahasagar’ (महासागर) – the great/ vast ocean”, just like our range of the finest lifestyle products handpicked from premium brands. 

The Founder

Kanishka Tripathi is the Founder and Business Strategist of Mahāsa Ghar. Having graduated in International Fashion Business from Coventry University x Raffles Singapore, Kanishka acquired theoretical knowledge with a major in Retail and Curatorship Practices with focus on Green Businesses & Management.

Post internship experiences and industrial attachment, shegravitated towards innovation within the e-commerce industry and devised a solution that combined the forces. As a result, Mahāsa Ghar was born under parent company, Stack Concept, and is a registered trademark under the same since early 2023.